Oberfrank Réka, Horváth Nóra – After ever after (IZP)

9th September 2020 | 22.00 | Wednesday – Latinovits-Bujtor Studio Theatre


(Zoltán Imre Programme)

Age: +16

Single, in a relationship, married, divorced, a lover, young, old, experienced or inexperienced. In the 21st century or in earlier times, well off or poor. Feelings and states may be shared but still everyone’s reaction to them is different. There will be stable relationships, there are ones that collapse, or are reconstructed or come to an end and get transformed. #orokkonorokke ≠foreverandever

In this performance the artists analyse their own dating experiences and those that have happened to people they know to create a theatrical process. They follow a psychological road to show up familiar situations, feelings and visual representations of real existing elements in today’s dating scene. We can see what it means to be a woman today, what traditional views we have of this, and we can also encounter contemporary modern variations. These come to life woven into an abstract personal space. The two dancers meet up at times, and at other times they walk their separate ways beside one another. Although they go through their own individual processes, the audience may come to discover many connecting points between their states.

Performed by: Rácz Réka, Réka Oberfrank
Music: Andris Csizmás
Light: Orsolya Pete
Mentor: Csaba Molnár
Created by: Nóra Horváth, Réka Oberfrank

Sponsors: Sín Arts Centre, National Cultural Fund of Hungary, Mu Theatre, New Performing Art Foundation. The performance is supported by the Zoltán Imre Programme of the National Cultural Fund of Hungary.

Duration of the performance: 35 min
