Bea Egyed – The Dark Night of the Soul (IZP)

31st August 2021 | 18:00 | Tuesday – Hangvilla, 3rd floor studio

The following performances can be viewed by purchasing a 4.000 Ft ticket:
– Bea Egyed – The Dark Night of the Soul (IZP)
– Anita Gera/DanceLab– The naked monkey (IZP)


Not recommended under 16!
St. John the Baptist’s poem: The Dark Night of the Soul serves as the core of the performance, in which, after experiencing a mystical union with God, the soul suddenly experiences a complete absence of God’s presence.
What does an artist start with him/herself, his/her art, during his/her own dark night experience? To whom should we feel compliancy to be appreciated?
Why is appreciation so important and from whom does it matter?
What elements of a contemporary dance performance must currently contain in order to be current and valid? What can we do with success or failure? Who is the “profession”? Who is a lecture for? What shall we do without dance in a dance performance? What can we do with honesty at all?
When will this night end?
Performer: Bea Egyed
Supported by: Ádám Fekete
Visual design and costume: Judit Kis
Music: Bernadett Szabó-Tarr
Text: Ádám Fekete
Lighting: Ferenc Payer
Professional consultant: Máté Hegymegi
Choreographer: Bea Egyed
Photo: György Jókuti
Duration: 40 minutes

